Dragon age origins quest order
Dragon age origins quest order

Go forward and you will talk with Niall who will share his experiences and knowledge with you. To your right is an inactive Fade Pedestal. Head there and you will find Niall, one of the Mages who went rogue. The Raw Fade This is the first, and for now only, destination you can access. Interact with it to begin your journey through the Fade to escape and release your companions. Do so and the Fade Pedestal will appear behind where Duncan was standing. You will provoke this apparition to attack you eventually. He talks of the Grey Wardens becoming an order of Scholars. You will encounter Duncan, flanked by two other Wardens.

dragon age origins quest order dragon age origins quest order

Head on forward, toward the ramp in front of you. Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 17 – The Fade: Lost In Dreams Weisshaupt Fortress This is a difficult area of the game, so expect this part to take some time.

Dragon age origins quest order